Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Starting Over Again

Well, it is the end of 2011.  So many things happened.  So many things I wanted to change and didn't exactly get all those things done.  Some I did.  I worked in Iraq and made money to get us through the nonexistent hay season.  Didn't have the money to "play" with that I wanted but we are still living in doors.....which is a great thing.  We got 4 more chicken houses built and in production.  That is a great thing.  So, all in all, there were a lot of positive things in 2011.  Will be thinking about 2012 and what I would like to accomplish.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sand Storm...

Well today we had our first full blown sand storm.  It was just like out of a movie.  People would come into the office and their hair would be gray and their clothes covered with dust.  When I walked to the dining hall, everyone had their faces and heads covered up.  It was like walking in fog (kind of).  The wind was blowing so it was cool outside.  I'm working the night shift so it was midnight.   The place is pretty lit up so its not like walking alone in the dark. (well not exactly).  But tonight it looked so spooky with the lights creating such shadows in the dust BUT the fact that it was so dusty kept the glow from the lights down low and it looked like daytime.  Weird???  We eventually had to turn off the a/c units in the office because it was creating a fog in the office.  There is a layer of dirt on everything.  You can actually write on the desk, and we've cleaned everything off a couple of times already.  I'll be so glad to get to my room and take a bath.  Wonder how dusty my room is...thank goodness I made my bed!!!  Now that I've experienced a dust storm, really don't care to be in another one.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Love from Baghdad.

Left the beauty of Dubai and flew in to Kuwait.  Had an 8 hour layover there and had been told to check out the VIP lounge. Best $50 dollars I ever spent.  Had a couch to sit/lay on, buffet all day, and juice, etc. at your convenience. Walked out to the tarmac to board a bus to be taken to our plane.  When the bus started heading away from the main airport I should have known.  Then we finally pull up to a plane with ABSOLUTELY NO MARKINGS except a few call letters on the front.  Boarded the plane (all Americans) which told you we were all going to work for KBR.  Land on the military side of the air base in Iraq and hustled off the tarmac once again.  Then boarded buses with blacked out windows and drove to the base.  Good times.  The main camp area is really neat.  Went to the DFac (dining facility) and the food was great.  Went to the PX and got some essentials that I had not packed.  Spent all my first day in training.  There were some really nice people and I met a lady that grew up in Crockett.  Small world.  Anyway, I will get my permanent assignment later.  Sending love from Baghdad.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

HOW TO COMMENT( a lesson in commenting)

Hey Guys! This is Katelyn filling in for mom for a moment! Everyone is wanting to comment and leave mom good wishes and words of infinite wisdom, but no one can figure out how! I will now show you how this works! We are going to use my photo blog as the model! Follow the images and the instructions and you should come out great! Enjoy the show!

1st- go to the post where you want to comment, and scroll to the bottom of the post!
Until you can see the area where it says "Comments"

2nd- Click on the button that says "Comments"

3rd- Click on the button that says "Select Profile"

4th- this little menu will pull up and you will select either
Name/URL or Anonymous
If you select anonymous- your name WILL NOT appear!

5th- When you select the Name/URL it will prompt you to put in a Name and a URL address-IGNORE THE URL ADDRESS- DO NOT PUT ANYTHING IN THAT SECTION!
click continue!
6th- After you do this a Security check will most likely show up! YOU MUST DO THIS! Don't worry- it's just making sure you aren't spam! 
Final Step- After doing this- your comment should be showing! and you are FINISHED! YAY! Give yourself a pat on the back! 

You are done! 

The Journey Begins

Well, after months of waiting to get to Houston, getting there and passing the physical, then flying to Dubai and waiting here for over a week, the true journey begins.  I leave Sunday morning, flying to Kuwait and then to Baghdad and then in a convoy to my base.  I had been told that I would be flown by helicopter to my base but since my camp is close to the airport I will go by convoy.  I will be at Camp Liberty....just love the sound of that.  So, if you know any one there I'd be happy to look them up and give them a "mom" hug.  Love to you all and keep the prayers coming.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Misson successful

Success!!!!!!!! Finally, weight down, BMI was 38.5, woo hoo!!!!!!! Had a little trouble urinating on command. My mom taught me to go before you leave the house....or hotel room in this case. So I did. Big mistake. Two hours later and about a gallon of water we had success. Then I had to go weigh. Are you kidding me???? I just drank a gallon of water. But all was well. Five shots later I am through for the day and I am not talking shots of liquor. My sister is picking me up for dinner and I am not counting calories tonight.

On a serious note, please be in prayer for me that I can be a stable force for the people I will be working with. I have heard more about prostitutes and really casual sex than I ever have any where else. Seriously, I feel like someone needs to show what true morals are and in a positive way. If I come across condemning these people will shut me out. It is not just young folks acting this way either. Good news is I will not be moved. I know I've got a great thing with my family and God. Thanks.

Monday, February 28, 2011

First day of processing

Well, finished my first day of processing for KBR. I am so tired and have heard a ton on safety....which I am definitely in favor of. Will do all the medical processing tomorrow. So I will see if all my weight loss efforts were enough. The funny item for the day was as we finished for the evening the women had to stay late.....get this....to take a pregnancy test!!! I laughed out loud. Let's see....tubes tied, then had it all taken out and oh yea, I AM OLD. Pregnant was not a disqualifier for me. More tomorrow...stay tuned.